Multicultural Competency. Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on your assessment, in which you apply these multicultural guidelines and standards to your personal life and workplace. Answer the following questions: o What biases, percepti

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Multicultural Competency

Ashley Hambright


Dr. Danine Dean

December 5, 2010

Multicultural Competency

An individual who has the capability of comprehending and valuing a sufficient amount of another culture while possessing the ability to communicate and work with people from that culture, are culturally competent. The American Psychological Association created a group of culture specific and multicultural guidelines.  These guidelines supply a scaffold for psychologists for the successful dispersion of services to the diverse client populace. Focusing on guideline number one, “Psychologists are encouraged to recognize that, as cultural beings, they may hold attitudes and beliefs that can detrimentally influence their perceptions of and interactions with individuals who are ethnically and racially different from themselves (APA, 2003, para. 38).  It is imperative that a psychologist’s recognize and acknowledge that their personal opinions, beliefs, and attitudes can have impact on the effectiveness of their client relations. This is of the upmost importance because involuntarily, a psychologist’s personal view of an individual can lead to negative judgments based on the group in which the psychologist’s has classified the individual.  The second guideline affirms “Psychologists are encouraged to recognize the importance of multicultural sensitivity/responsiveness to, knowledge of, and understanding about ethnically and racially different individuals” (APA, 2003, para. 51). This is accomplished by a variety of modes. For example, encouraging the psychologist to view every client the same regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender is one way to acquire cultural competency.  Another way to acquire cultural competency is through research.  A psychologists who researches and educates himself about various cultures, can more effectively communicate with his clients through discussions and questions.  To become an effective psychologist, I have realized the necessity to become culturally competent.  Through review of the referenced guidelines, I thought of how I interact with people I work with as well as my family and friends, and the bias or judgmental attitude I may unconsciously have toward a particular group of people.

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I am a Caucasian woman who grew up in a small farm town.  Simply from that statement, a person can formulate an opinion of me.  I, as well, need to be aware of making snap judgments of people based on their culture. Throughout my life, I have grown-up surrounded and amidst diversity.  My best childhood friend was African American and I never gave her race a second thought.  Growing up in a family that does not “see” color and possessing a father whose best friend was of a different race, kept me from understanding and knowing racism.

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