To what extent does research into conformity allow us to make predictions on individual behaviour?

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Bethan Brady, I.B 1.

To what extent does research into conformity allow us to make predictions on individual behaviour?

Conformity is the tendency to change your beliefs, attitude or behaviour based on the actions of those around you.  There are two main types of conformity-compliance and internalisation.  Compliance is where you change your behaviour too fit your peers, although your belief may not change, as shown in Asch’s experiment (the essay will explore this experiment more). Where-as internalisation is where your beliefs change as well as your behaviour.  A good example of this is when a person becomes vegetarian because your peers believe that harming animals is wrong. This deep behaviour is what leads to an attitude change.  People are believed to conform for two main reasons, too fit into the group they  are with(normative influence) and because they believe the rest of the group is more informed than themselves (informational influence).

Asch’s experiment was too monitor’s people’s behaviour when the rest of the group gave completely incorrect answers. He believed that showing a clear answer opposed to an ambiguous one would virtually eliminate the chance of conformity. His findings though, did not match his initial predictions.

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Asch told the participants that they were taking part in an experiment in the study of the perception of line length.  In the first experiment a male student was sat with six others in the second to last position, only the person in the fifth position was a participant whereas the others were confederates. Each person was asked in turn to judge the length of the line by comparing it to three others. They were told to give their answer out loud. The task was very simple and this is why Asch assumed that conformity would be low.

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