Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?

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 Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?


Reason and emotion two commanding and enigmatic forces often go hand in hand with one another but don’t necessarily play equal roles in justifying moral decisions. No human being can exist stoically we all display emotions, we make and justify decisions based on it. There will be situations when you can’t justify a moral decision one way or the other and inevitably you will have to justify it using reason or emotion. Personal experience have shown me that reason is the superior force when justifying moral decisions, because emotion may not always be reliable or morally sound because of imbibed values as a result of upbringing and society.  

So what are reason and emotion? Emotion is defined as quite simply as, ‘a strong, instinctive feeling.’ As a definition it doesn’t suffice, as it misses out on certain details such as the different types of emotions and feelings. On the other hand reason, is defined as a ‘good or obvious cause to do something.’ Reasoning seems to be the better way to go as emotions can change at the drop of a hat. Someone who basis his life purely on emotions will lead a life of turmoil as problems justified using emotion usually lead to irrational justifications. The main advantage of using reasoning is perhaps the fact that no one can change your stream of logic, but with emotions it doesn’t work that way. However basing all knowledge on reasoning has its drawbacks because there will be times when you will have to mix reason and emotion to justify a moral decision.

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Every week I find my self witnessing this savage battle between my emotions and logical reasoning. Amongst my most recent exploits was selecting the cricket team for our upcoming match and as captain it is my responsibility to see to it that everyone gets a chance in the squad. I eventually found my self torn between having to choose my friends (most of whom weren’t particularly impressive players) or choosing a strong team optimizing our chances of victory. I thought it through, and my emotional need to win clouded my vision, then I went through a rational process and ...

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