Different cultures have different truths.

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4. “Different cultures have different truths.” “A truth is that which can be accepted universally.” What are the implications for knowledge of agreeing with these opposing statements?

        I have spent more than a decade in various schools, learning different truths and learning how to apply them. But what is truth? It is generally accepted that truth has three characteristics: truth is public, truth is independent, and truth is eternal. Truth is public means that a statement is either true for everyone or no one. Truth is independent means that a statement may be false if everyone believes it to be true, or vice versa. Truth is eternal means that a statement cannot be true today and false tomorrow; it is either always true or always false (Woolman, 6-7). It has been said that “different cultures have different truths.” It has also been said that “a truth is that which can be accepted universally.” The former presents truth as something that varies from person to person and from place to place, and is a bit lacking to say the least. The latter is a definite improvement, as it says that truth is truth is truth, no matter who you happen to be talking to. However it too is lacking, it makes truth about the world outside of people’s minds dependant on what is inside people’s heads. A third possibility, that truth exists separately from human belief, presents a far better picture of the nature of truth.

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        The statement that “different cultures have different truths” is flawed because it does not require truth to be universal. It allows me to believe that the sky is blue and a person in Australia to believe that the sky is red and both of us to be correct. It is a mathematical fact that 1+1=2. 1+1=2 for me, for my best friend, for the prime minister of Great Britain and for the computer on which I am typing this essay. It can never equal 4, no matter how much my history teacher may tell me that it does. It is ...

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