Does language play roles of equal importance in different areas of knowledge?

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Does language play roles of equal importance in different areas of knowledge?

        Ways of knowing are the ways in which an individual uses to gain knowledge. There are four different types of ways of knowing sense perception, emotion, reason and language. In my opinion, language as a way of knowing is one of the many important ways of knowing because it goes beyond communication. Without language as a way of knowing, individuals wouldn’t have been able to share their knowledge nor communicate with each other. Therefore it would be impossible to gain knowledge, because its language that we use as a main tool in school in order to understand the teacher and gain knowledge. In definition, I think language can be said to be any form of communication. If the message sent by the sender is successfully received and understood by the receiver, the form of communication they used can be said to be a type of language. Examples of language can also be sign language, math which is said to be the universal language and even one's body language because by someone's body language other individuals will be able to understand what they are feeling. For example, one day I saw my friend shaking her leg when she was sitting down, this made me realise that she was nervous about something. She didn’t tell me she was nervous, but her body language made me realise that. All those are forms of communication because using those types of languages messages can surely be successfully sent and received by individuals. Furthermore, areas of knowledge are the areas in which individuals can gain knowledge. Types of areas of knowledge are ethics, history, mathematics, natural science, human science and the arts. In this essay, I will be examining whether language plays a role of equal importance in different areas of knowledge such as natural science, the arts and history.

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        The three areas of knowledge I have chosen are three completely different areas of knowledge. However, the similarity is that they all need language. They heavily depend on language for knowledge about the area of knowledge to be passed down to new generations as history. If language didn’t exist, knowledge about these areas of knowledge would not have been able to be passed down to new generations so therefore, the new generations would not have any sort of knowledge about them. Well in fact, these areas of knowledge wouldn’t even exist without language.

        For instance, natural science heavily depends on ...

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