The words that grab me here are 'examine', 'should', and 'progress'. It's a very difficult question because it places too much responsibility in the hands of the examinee. For a start, any attempt to 'examine the ways' would be infinite in scope; the examinee therefore has to do a solid enough survey, being careful to cover all the major kinds of ways. Secondly, 'should' requires the examinee to prescribe rather than describe; even 'can' or 'might' or 'could' would be easier than this, because now the candidate must establish sufficient grounds for his prescription. Thirdly, 'progress' — always a difficult word to define, and certain to be contentious in many disciplines.

        Empirical evidence should be used to progress knowledge in different areas of knowledge, especially mathematics and the natural sciences.

        Some people, such as the philosopher John Stuart Mill, have claimed that mathematics goes into the category that propositions are not true by definition and that cannot be known to be true independent of experience. Hence, our empirical knowledge of the world is what guides us. According ot Mill, mathematical truths are empirical generalizations based on a vast number of experiences that are no different in kind from scientific statements such as “All metals expand when heated.” Mill said that the reason we feel more certain that 2 + 2 = 4 than that all metals expand when heated is that we have seen so many more confirming instances of the former than the latter, and this convinces us that 2 + 2 = 4 must be true.

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        Does the fact that we usually teach children arithmetic by beginning with concrete objects, such as two apples and two apples, mean that arithmetic is an empirical subject? What, if anything, can we infer from the fact that when we teach children arithmetic we usually begin with concrete objects? You show a child two apples and another two apples and ask, “How many apples are there altogether?” She says “4.” You then do the same with oranges and bananas, and she comes up with the right answer each time. Then, at a certain point you ask the child, “So what ...

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