Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing. My definition for reasoning is that it is an essential intuition

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Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing

 My definition for reasoning is that it is an essential intuition comprehended by each individual human beings when they were born. Reason is often closely linked to the process with logical thinking and cognition, while base on these logical thinking, it enables us to relate one idea to another concept. Individuals are born with the skill of reasoning and it could be applied into the different areas knowledge such as: maths, natural sciences, human sciences, history and ethics. Reasoning is used in every daily life without a doubt, for instance the example of playing football is best illustrated. When you have possession of the soccer ball during a soccer game, you will have to think about where to pass, who to pass and how to pass it. While you are processing these ideas, you are intuitively applying reason to this event and while you may not recognize it. Psychologists and cognitive scientists have attempted to explain how people reason, however, we cannot simply draw the line to define how people reason because everybody reason distinctively comparing to the others as a result, we cannot identify whether which one is right and which one is incorrect My knowledge issue is that to what extend can we justify the strengths and weaknesses in the area of arts and maths.

Reason can be classified in two main categories which are the deductive and inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is the process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believe to support a specific conclusion.  An example of inductive reasoning argument is that all of the swans we have ever seen in the river are white, therefore all swan are white. Base on the previous proposition, we will assume what might happen. Even strong induction might be flawed because of it’s inconsistent and possibly invalid justification.  In contrast, deductive reasoning is completely different with inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning begins with a general hypothesis in order to create a specific conclusion base on that generalization. The initial idea of deductive reasoning is that if the proposition is true of a class of things in general, this proposition might apply to all member of that class. An example for deductive reasoning would be, all oranges are fruits and fruits grow on trees. From a deductive reasoning point of view, they would claim that oranges grow on trees based on the previous statement. These proposition could be either true or false and that’s why it’s so hard to draw the line between whether which one is right and which one is not.

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Even though inductive reasoning allows us to have different predictions and assumption, there are also limitations shown in the area of knowledges of Maths and Science. Mathematics involves that processing of resolving question by providing mathematical proofs. Hence,reason plays a vital and curial role in affecting our logical thinking while we are solving mathematical questions. Mathematical induction is established while the first statement in the infinite sequences is true, then providing that if any one statement in the infinite sequence of statements is true, then so is the next one. (Problem of induction. 2012, May 8) One of the example ...

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