How does the capacity to communicate personal experiences and thoughts through language affect knowledge? To what extent does knowledge actually depend on language

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How does the capacity to communicate personal experiences and thoughts through language affect knowledge? To what extent does knowledge actually depend on language: on the transmission of concepts from one person or generation to another, and on exposure of concepts or claims to public study?

There is no way to overrate the importance of language. For some, it is a career. For others, it is the difference between life and death. Language, as a form of knowledge pervades every other realm of knowledge. Simply put, because it is the most commonly used way to communicate logic, ideas, and perceptions. Language merely is one of the most important tools, as well as one of the most powerful ones, that human beings use every day. Language runs into problems when the multiple meanings of words, the multitude of various words representing one meaning and the ambiguity of some definitions, leads to problems with misunderstanding and deception. This is the underlying issue with language, that words can be infinitely diverse in meaning to every individual alive. Of course there is the matter of the multiple meanings that some words seem to possess. It may seem unreasonable to many that different ideas or objects can posses the same symbol used to describe it, but this can be attributed to mainly one reason. In the English language alone, over 4,000 words fit into this category.

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 It is sometimes difficult to interpret a sentence in the proper fashion if a word that has multiple meanings is used. An example of this could be the word “set”. This word could be interpreted several different ways due to the different meanings that “set” possesses. It could either mean, according to the context in which it is used. The phrase “the plaster set slowly” compared to “the teacher set the students into different classes” The person reading this phrase can interpret the meaning based of its context. In the first phrase “set” means to harden or solidify, where as ...

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