In the development of mathematical and scientific knowledge, how problematic is the problem of induction?

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Sofiya Koval

In the development of mathematical and scientific knowledge, how problematic is the problem of induction?

People always have been curious about the world and universe around. New theorems, laws and improvements to previous pieces of knowledge are found almost every day. We acquire new knowledge by using reason: wonder why the Earth is moving around the Sun and not vice versa, made hundreds and hundreds of scientists to devote their lives for observations and analyzing how both the planet and the star behave in the universe.

Finding the “reason”, therefore a cause, always has been the interest of mathematicians and scientists. There are 3 known forms of reasoning: informal reasoning, deductive and inductive. The most popular, widespread and, unfortunately, most unreliable form of reasoning in the development of knowledge in science and mathematics is induction. Induction implies going from particular to the general, for example if we know that aluminum can be expanded, iron can be expanded and nickel can be expanded and these three matters are metals, we can conclude that all the metals can be expanded. Actually, we know from chemistry that all the metals can be expanded and we have no doubts that the conclusion is valid. But… What if one day chemists will find the metal, which cannot be not expanded? Therefore the conclusion that has been achieved above will no longer be valid. A lot of philosophers argue, whether the pieces of knowledge that are obtained by induction can or cannot be justified.

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 Most of laws and theorems in science were made using inductive reasoning, therefore generalizing. Here is the main problem of induction – generalization. Inductive reasoning maintains that if a situation holds in all observed cases, then the situation holds in all cases. Newton’s Third Law is believed to be true because there was no evidence that this law can be false. So, after completing a series of experiments that support the Third Law, one is justified in maintaining that the Law holds all cases. But there is always a chance, that tomorrow, this month or next year, someone will provide ...

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