Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes". Discuss.

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“Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes” (1200-1600 words)

  • What does the author of this quote mean?
  • To what extent can this explain the process of sense perception?

How do we know what we are seeing is the same to us as it is to another? That is a question that I frequently ask myself and I am sure many others before and after me have and will. The question is very subjective to how an individual feels and believes he is processing the reflected light that is sent to his brain to tell him of the object in front of him. If one believes that what we see is what it is, they would disagree with this statement, however if one feels that predetermined judgement plays a role in the processing of information then they would whole heartedly support it.

I feel that the author was trying to express that eyes are simply a biological pass through for knowledge. And that knowledge is more emotional perception. When born, we as humans do not recognise anything, our surroundings are alien to us. Now if the eyes were the true organ of knowledge, then why would this be? If the eyes tell us of our surroundings then should we not recognize everything upon first glance? No, we are biologically trained to absorb information and process it in the brain. Therefore all that we know of our surroundings may have been seen through the eye, but had our predetermined knowledge of them not been stored in the brain then we would not understand what we were being presented with.

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Furthermore, we don’t walk into a room and take in all that is going on. Following the Gestalt theorem, when we walk into that room, we take in what we are seeing as a whole rather than identifying individual characteristics. It is not until we use our knowledge of that situation to process what we are really seeing.

To explain this further let me take an example. When we drive to work or school, we generally take the same route daily. When taking that route, we use of knowledge of the first, second and however many more drives to ...

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