Language limits what you can think.

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The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states “language limits what you can think”. How far do you agree with this statement?

        You can find a great variety of definitions for language because actually this word does not have a real definition. Language can be a system of  communication using symbols, physical gestures, sounds and others means of expression. However there are three conditions that must be followed by this system to it be classified as a language. It has to be rule-governed, which means that it has to have vocabulary and grammar. It has to be intended. And it also has to be open-ended which means without limits or restrictions and allowed to future modifications. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf brought attention to the relationship between language and thought and to show their ideas to the whole world they created the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which theorizes that the thought is determined or, at least, influenced by language.

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The first main idea of this hypothesis is the linguistic relativism, a theory that claims that our language determines the things we can think and say. The linguistic relativism states that the language you speak determines the way that you interpret the world around you, in other words, people experience the world based on the grammatical structures they habitually use. A great example for it is that “speakers of different languages may see different numbers if bands in a rainbow”. It happens because actually rainbow is a continuum of color, there are no empirical stripes or bands, so people see ...

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