JAIME CASTRO A.          10-2          


Research and discuss:
- What is logic?
- What is reason?
- What is an argument?
- What is a fallacy? Give an example
- What is a flawed argument? Give an example

Use at least 4 different sources and produce a bibliography. Make your answers as complete as possible and make the best use of language that you can.

- What is logic?

The word logic and hence it’s meaning comes from the Greek word “logos”, which in the ancient Greece had a relationship both with the structure of the language and with the thoughts and ideas of the human mind. We can say that logic is a concept that basically describes and study the way in which the human mind processes information about what it perceives about truth and reality, this can be understand as the rational way in which the human mind conducts pure thinking to process information. This is also an explanation why logic is present or used in languages, since languages are the way in which the human race has developed, expressed and explained all the different thoughts and ideas that have been processed by the human minds throughout history; that’s why there are certain linguistic rules and norms so  that when people speak or write there is a rational or “logical” structure in their sentences in order that anybody can understand the processing done by their minds to produce an specific thought.

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- What is reason?

Reason is a very difficult concept to define since there are many different definitions about what it actually means; however I think that the most key element about what is meant by reason is that it is a kind of result, conclusion or synthesis of a process of analysis done by your mind. Reason involves logic, knowledge and experience since it is not just the development of thought and ideas, but it involves the relationship that the mind does between past experiences, knowledge and pure thinking so it can realize or process a type of analysis.


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