Mental Telepathy        Since ancient times there have been countless myths about specially gifted people who can use their mind’s potential in a much higher and advanced level than the rest o the common human minds. It is said that these people use this special skill called ‘”telepathy”, which can be used only by the gifted ones, at least that’s what the majority of people think, but in my opinion, this statement is not really correct, well, at least not precise!        At all times there have been these individuals with telepathic skills who
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fundamentally change the lives of many other people – for example, Nostradamus, who predicted many disasters such as both World Wars and the twin tower disaster in the United States. I actually think that these so called prophets of whom many people think as divine messengers of higher powers are actually simple mutants that have more developed minds because of the evolution. These people have grown to a level where their minds can connect to the different dimension where all of the essential information of future is accessible. Since our brain usage potential is less than 10 %, I believe ...

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