Please consider at least 2 major environmental dilemmas that face your generation from 3 different perspectives: utilitarianism, egoism, altruism.

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José Thomaz Pereira

Please consider at least 2 major environmental dilemmas that face your generation from 3 different perspectives: utilitarianism, egoism, altruism (which all can be read about in your textbooks in the Chapter on Ethics, as well as googled for further information)."

As soon as I think of two environmental dilemmas that face my generation, I instantaneously think of Global Warming. Although Global Warming, in a whole, is a very broad issue that leads to several sub-topics that are what cause or at least are said to cause Global Warming. The dilemmas that I am going to analyse are the clearing of the Amazon Forest and the excessive use of energy extracted from fossil fuels. In order to successfully analyse the ethics of these two dilemmas, we should analyse them in three ethical points of views, which include utilitarianism, egoism, and altruism. These three are ethical ways of seeing issues, which vary from person to person, thus it is very hard to define if something is ethically correct or not. As it varies from culture, religion education among other examples.

        In order to analyse in depth each environmental dilemma we have to first define each of these three different perspectives. Utilitarianism is the idea that an action is determined only by its overall contribution to what it was designed in the first place, in other words its utility. So basically it can be summarized by the quote “the ends justify the means”. Meaning that any action taken to reach a moral mean is worth it no matter the way you achieve it. History has given us many examples of this type of ethical perspective, as in the French revolution, when even though the revolutionaries achieved their main goal that was to abolish the monarch system, several people got killed and France during some years was in an absolute chaotic state, such as in the “Reign of Terror”. The other two perspectives are at the same time differing and relating to each other. Altruism is the perspective where we should perform selfless acts that in theory are beneficial to others, while Egoism is the perspective where we should perform selfish acts, thinking on our own sake before anything else, having opposite definitions. Nevertheless, these two concepts overlap, as for example in politics, Lula right before the 2006 elections he increased the minimum wage. This was designed with the intention of helping less fortunate who do not have enough money to sustain themselves, yet at the same time he did this because he wanted popularity to be re-elected president. Hence it is very hard to find a pure altruistic action, therefore in ethics we have to be aware of the reason that a person has in mind, in order to reach a reliable assessment.

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        The Amazon Rainforest clearing, has become a dilemma. As the fact that they are clearing out has been bouncing along the newspapers headlines every week. And in fact, it is being cleared, as the Amazon has a deforestation rate of 22,392 km² per year, 18% greater than it was five years ago. So if we firstly see that people are cutting down trees for their own sake this leads us to perceive in an egoistic perspective. So if we put ourselves in the position of a lumberjack. A lumberjack lives with the income he receives when he cuts the trees, ...

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