Supernatural causes vs. Pathogen model of infectious disease

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Daniel Longo

TOK 11th

Mr. Landolfa

Supernatural and relegious explanation vs. pathogen model of infectious disease

All we know today in our everyday life seems to be an established fact set thousands of years ago on which we rarely question ourselves. Most of the 'common knowledge' facts of everyday life are largely given for granted, and very  rarely questioned by anyone.

We know there are germs and bacteria, and that we must be

careful with them as they can lead to rather unfortunate outcomes. We therefore disinfect wounds to prevent them from getting infected and know that it is essential to have outmost

hygiene in surgery rooms.... But to what extent is all of this actually necessary or helpful? Scientific knowledge, as Kuhn says, seems to progress slowly, but is subjected to periodic revolutions that he called “paradigm shifts”.

In this essay, I will try to analyze and comment the paradigm shift that has led humanity to shift from believing in

supernatural causes, to Understanding the pathogen model of infectious disease (germ theory).

Until the 1500s medicine made great efforts to cure and heal disesases; the art of medicine was mixed with magic,

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witchcraft, alchemy  . Everything was rough: they were not aware of the causes of illnessed and, consequently, the remedies were empirical (explain how: what is empirical? = based on experience, hope that what worked once works again), based on herbal teas, potions and infusions of

sorts. Precautions based on hygienic practices did not exist as they were not yet understood, and sometimes what they believed was the cure,

caused severe infections due to the ingredients they used in the potions - which amongst other things also included human bones

and scorpions. There were no 'real' medicines as we understand them today. The art of medicine ...

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