That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence Discuss.

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Nilsu Derici

TOK Essay- 1st Draft

“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”

 As the famous German philosopher Nietzsche supporting eternal recurrence theorem states “senses.” In a dimension where facts can be easily distorted yet still very persistent to be understood correctly, human beings tend to rely on their perspectives and senses when grasping a situation. Each person’s belief actually relies on his or her opinion on what is moral/correct. The society tends to rely on their ways of perception of the situation by relating to their emotions. They are too obligated with their thoughts of believing that “the provided theory” is correct by relying on their senses that they tend to forget about depth. This is caused by the idea of evidence, which is defined as a sense that includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. This determination is achieved through logic substantially, focusing on science-based areas, since they can be tested. By repeating experiments, accuracy is achieved. The results start to demonstrate reason. This reason gives evidence to claims, which is gives the human beings the emotion they were searching for; trust. The society relies on trust since it gives them support, anything without the being of trust will have no basis and be very likely to be broken down. The evidence provides certainty; therefore people make decisions and life approximations according to it. However there are many things in 21st century life is based on and lacking what ensembles as “evidence”. Natural sciences specifies how the universe and matter operates, however social sciences specifies about how humans effects. They are accompanied to us in our circle of life, and base our future. There are still substantial areas in science which only remain in prediction without solid proof common examples being with emotion (love) and Hawking’s theory. Notable social sciences that has a great impact yet small evidences are; psychology, history, politics and religion. The study of psychology examines human’s brain and its cognition. It does include experiments for evidence, however it can be seen as biased or lacking significant data due to the misconception of measurement of human behavior. History and Politics also rely on having biased or lacking solid evidence. The way of knowing perspective may change in these subjects. Political sciences being tested may vary according to the group they are being tested on. Religion created the life cycle and had a huge impact on how the world operates. When the ways of learning such as reason and senses are objectively conducted, the conclusion may show that religion only stays a theory, which is supported by belief.

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Psychology studies why humans act in a certain manner. It is based on assumptions about how the human brain processes emotions thoughts and provides objectives. Even though psychology is an effective social science, it is not evidential since most of it stays on theories. It is possible to make predictions about human behavior (psychology), but it is nearly impossible what each individual would do. The experiments made in that field are not accurate Lab experiments, where variables are measures. It is just observation and opinion.

The more scientific studies deal with matter that is remaining ...

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