To what extent can we trust our perception?

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To what extent can we trust our perception?

Perception can be defined as the act of apprehending by means of the five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste and smell – although there are many other senses by which we can apprehend, such as pain, temperature, balance, internal senses, kinaesthetic, amongst others. Most of what human beings apprehend from the world around them is perceived by the senses. But perception is often selective and subjective, so can it really be trusted?

Perception is a vital source of knowledge. Without their senses humans would be unaware of many things in the world. Losing one sense means losing an ability to perceive certain things e.g. if the sense of smell is lost, a human is no longer capable of identifying and distinguishing different smells. Also, perception is vital for survival - to cross the road, to hear the train coming, to smell when something’s burning, to taste when something is no longer edible, to feel when something is hurting us. Our senses are the channels of communication between ourselves and the world around us, and without them we would also be unable to communicate and interact with other people/animals.

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However, we can be deceived by our senses. For example, optical illusions - A visually perceived image that is deceptive or misleading. Take figure one as an example – the two circles in the middle are placed next to each other and one is surrounded by large circles while the other is surrounded by small circles. The first central circle appears bigger than the second central circle, but they have identical sizes.

Also, our sensorial perception can sometimes be altered by environmental, emotional, or physical factors such as stress, medication, extreme fatigue, extreme temperatures and many others. For example, some ...

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