TOK areas of knowledge, ways of knowing related to Ramadan

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Ways of Knowledge (WOK) during the Holiday of Ramadan

Language- Language functions as a symbol capturing and communicating thoughts and experiences. The first morning of Ramadan my father and three brothers attend mosque. There we listen to the Imam who preaches about the holidays, virtue and the importance of repenting and making up with people during the holidays. He talks about the Quran, Allah and prophet Mohammed. We obtain knowledge through his rhetorical language describing religion. After his preach everyone prays following the Imam facing Makah. During the prayers the imam recite the Quran in its Arabic text. The WOK of language appears three times, in Turkish, English than Arabic.

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Emotion- Muslims have two major holidays a year, similar to Christians who have Christmas and Easter. Ramadan is the bigger of the two and would be the equivalent of Christmas for Muslims. The WOK in emotion is present during this holiday. People build up excitement from weeks before.  People begin to prepare weeks before the actual 3 days of the holiday. It’s not as big of a deal here because there isn’t as much of a Muslim population but in countries where Muslims are the majority it is a national holiday and there is a holiday spirit from weeks before. ...

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