
        Make-up has been around since the dawn of human civilisation. The first  evidence of cosmetics usage is found in  around 3500 BC – the bust of Nefretiti, a member of the royal family, with eye shadow applied. The ancient Romans and Greeks also used and cherished the blessing of make-up. However, make-up did not always evoke only positive feelings - in the Middle Ages it was banned by the Church, Queen Victoria of England publicly declared it improper and , Adolf Hitler used to compare women with their faces painted to clowns.

In spite of the fact that throughout the ages many institutions and rulers disapproved of make-up, it cannot be denied that it played a certain role in various epochs. What is more, it is also present in and significant to the society of the 21st century.

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        We probably are unable to indicate one, common reason for the usage of cosmetics. For some people the only reason why they put on make-up is their own aesthetical pleasure deriving rom being good-looking, whereas what matters for the others is the perception of the society they live in. The first group of people purports to be fully conscious and their decision premeditated. The second one might be thought to blindly follow the pattern, acting according to the standards. However thought- and senseless this behaviour might seem to be, it should be understandable to some extent because the social pressure ...

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