We all have different realities; we experience different things, we might try to understand someone elses pain or joy, but we will never actually feel or live what it is that they experienced

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This I Believe Essay…

Throughout my life, I have found myself in the happiest and saddest places on earth. I have found myself crying so much that I came to a point where I grew numb to the pain; I have felt the warmth and tingles that you get from liking someone so much that you might put a name and call it love. But I have also found myself sitting and thinking about the emptiness inside of me and questioning the reality of the world, the reality that every person has, questioning my own reality.

 We all have different realities; we experience different things, we might try to understand someone else’s pain or joy, but we will never actually feel or live what it is that they experienced. I believe that two people cannot have, see or feel the same reality, simply because reality is completely personal and subjective. Each person goes through different experiences, and what is real for them can be only fiction for another. Sometimes we are not even able to understand our own realities, how are we supposed to understand other’s realities?

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This thought has been with me ever since I was little; it was an idea that stayed with me and one, which I always think about. It is a scary thought, to feel like I’m trapped in my reality and that no one will ever understand what I live or understand me, for that matter. Even in my reality I feel like many times I am not living what is real. We all use useful fictions, we lie to ourselves to make our lives easier, but the only people we are fooling are ourselves. Each person possesses their own useful ...

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