Women at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi and Outsider by Albert Camus both present protagonists who refuse to conform to societys expectations.

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To what extent do the actions of Meursault and Firdaus liberate them from the corruption of social hegemonies in “The Outsider” by Albert Camus and “Women at Point Zero” by Nawal El Saadawi?

Hi Jensen

You use the wrong word, confirm, rather than conform, which is what I think you mean. Please fix. Some other confusing points are made - in what ways is Mersault's liberation ironic? Your explanation does not answer this. I think that your point that overcoming his fear is the main point is incorrect. I think he is just now convinced that his way of seeing the world is right and that the others have got it wrong. His execution vindicates his philosophy. I am also not sure what you mean by Firdaus's mental freedom - better to say that she overcomes her fear of men. Also why do you talk about hegemonies (plural) in Egyptian society? What groups of people are you referring to? However, the biggest problem with your opening paragraph is that you have not answered the question "To what extent...". I have no clear sense of a line of argument here.

Para 2 - Rethink your statements that Mersault advocates existentialism and FIrdaus advocates femininsm. These statements are too broad and not entirely true. Both come to a realisation about life and I think it is more important to outline what these realisations are, than to talk about advocacy. Overall the paragraph is not linked to your question or any line of argument.

Para 3 -  What do you mean by "human conventions" ? How is this paragraph linked to your question?

Para 4 -  The last sentence is a marginal point. I do not think overpriced rent/food are the key social ills being examined in the text.

Para 5 -  Undeveloped paragraph that does not link to your question. What is the point you are making here?

Para 6 -  I think your point about Mersault's rationale is correct, but you need to think Fridaus's rationale.

Paras 7-9 - These are more paragaph fragments that do not have any direct link to your question or a clear line of argument. They just offer us bits of information.

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Para 10 (conclusion) - Again, this does not link to your question or to any evident line of argument. WIthout such links, it becomes a meaningless conclusion. You really need to think more carefully about what your line of argument (thesis) is in this essay and make it explicit. Each paragraph in turn then 'proves' this argument by providing detailed ideas and examples.

A lot of work to do here Jensen. As it stands I would say you are on a level 5 here.

“Women at Point Zero” by Nawal El Saadawi and “Outsider” by Albert Camus both ...

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