Black Boy- Analytical Qs and A's

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Mira Kovacova                                                               March 10, 2010

Fritz                                                                                              1st

Black Boy- Analytical Q’s

Chapter One-


When the white man beats the black boy, Richard takes a whole new outlook on white people. Before, Richard did realize that white people’s skin is lighter, but he didn’t see any difference the race of black and white people besides that. Now, when the white man beat the black boy, Richard grew curious, asking many questions: “Then why did the white man whip the black boy?” (Wright 24). In response, mom told Richard that he was too young to fully understand, which only ended in him choosing to stop roaming the streets so he wasn’t ever going to be the one who gets beaten. Richard first thought that the black man beating the white boy was his father, for beating was only a parental punishment: “I felt the ‘white’ man had the right to beat the black boy, for I naively assumed he was the ‘black’ boy’s father. Richard was puzzled beyond belief when he found out this was not true.

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Richard is a growing character who wishes to learn about the world around him. He sometimes can feel like he is the only one working towards the goal and that other people and circumstances are slowing him down.      

In general, he feels trapped by his surroundings. He is naïve and gullible to what people say. After his first day of school, Richard felt very profound with his newly acquired knowledge: “I went from window to window and printed in huge soap- letters all of my newly acquired four letter words” (25). This shows Richard is proud ...

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