Camus' Use of Isolation in The Guest and The Stranger

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Derek Russell

IB English 11



                        Camus Use of Isolation in The Guest and The Stranger

        Isolation is a complete separation from others due to absurd behavior or actions. In both The Guest and The Stranger the main characters Meursault and Daru become isolated in society; in turn both characters differ from society’s expectations and as a result they become isolated. Camus uses the isolation of the main characters in order to illustrate that society is judgmental and isolates people who differ from the norm; and follow that isolation with severe consequences. This suggests that society views outsiders as a threat to society’s order; due to this society separates themselves from people who do not follow the pre-determined rules they have.

        Camus’s isolation of the characters depicts just how society reacts when someone differs from the norm. Camus utilizes society’s legal system as an example of how society isolates an individual. Camus uses the judgmental state of society and its legal system to illustrate how Meursault becomes condemned for not acting with the norm. At his mother’s funeral he does not cry; instead he “has some coffee” and “had a smoke and slept some” (Stranger 90). By not “crying” he’s condemned and persecuted Society uses this abnormal behavior in order to portray him as an unloving criminal and a “stranger” in society. Because of this society isolates him by labeling him as different and judging him with little facts to so on. Society does not judge him based on his crime; rather they judge him based on his lack of sensitivity and emotion toward his mother’s desk. At the trial the judge, who is a symbol for society during the trial wants to “conduct [the trial] in an impartial manner the proceedings of which he would consider objectively” (Stranger 86). However the Judge or Society differs from this claim and instead of thinking objectively they condemn him for his past actions, such as his relationship with Raymond. By doing this Camus demonstrates that even society’s legal system is judgmental and does not follow the rules they set in place. The court isolates him by doing nothing but condemning him. Even the witness testimonies that are to help him become swayed into something that condemns his actions. As a result he becomes isolated even further to the point where he feels that “everyone was looking at me” (Stranger 85).  Illustrating just how isolated he feels throughout his trial. He is alone during this time even his girlfriend Marie’s taken away from him by society. Society’s legal system takes her away from him and as a result he is left alone isolated in a cell. The physical attention that he craves and desires is taken away and because of this he has nothing to hold on to in his isolated world. By doing this the legal system condemns him even without trying him. That is why through society’s justice they can isolate and judge a person without any consequences.

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        Daru and Meursault differ because Meursault becomes isolated over time while Daru is already isolated. In The Guest society becomes cruel by placing Daru in an uncomfortable situation and expecting him to follow the rules they set in place. Daru was born in one place of comfort and “everywhere else, he felt exiled” (Guest 304). The feeling of “exile” demonstrates how when Daru is put under pressure to sway away from his norm he becomes exiled. Balducci, the symbol for society and its government in this story, gives Daru a “job” to deliver the Arab to jail. However when Daru feels it’s ...

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