Commentary on a passage Perfume: The Story of a Murderer This passage illustrates the pinnacle of Grenouilles seven-year isolation from human civilization,

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Commentary on a passage

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

This passage illustrates the pinnacle of Grenouille’s seven-year isolation from human

civilization, resulting in Grenouille’s ultimate revelation of his mission. Employing the

careful use of metaphor, juxtaposition, motif, vivid imagery, delicate characterization,

devising a secluded setting and masterful narration, Suskind has managed to convey the

themes of alienation and isolation to exemplify the journey of a murderer. Together with the

subtle change in tone and atmosphere, Suskind successfully forged Grenouille as an

existentialist who abides by the Bildungsroman model as he goes through the stage of

maturation and growth, seeking a meaningful existence.

Set in the “stony dungeon at the end of the tunnel”, this is where Grenouille spent

seven years disposed of human civilization. The reigning theme of self-imposed isolation

and alienation from mankind highlights Grenouille’s indifference, even disdain towards

human society. “Even the most delicate odors came sharp and caustic into a nose

unaccustomed into the world.” The sense of smell, being Grenouille’s predominating human

perception disagrees with the other “world”, evident of Grenouille’s voluntary isolation.

This also demonstrates Grenouille as a follower of solipsism; he only trusts his ownmind

and does not acknowledge other beliefs. He is not concerned with the existence of another,

except for his own, therefore he will go to all lengths to achieve his goal, even murder.

Grenouille is also portrayed as an existentialist, drawing a strong juxtaposition against the

biblical allusions of the passages before. “When he awoke, he did not awaken in the purple

salon of his purple castle”, but rather “on hard ground.” Not only does the “salon”

metaphorically juxtaposes with the “hard ground”, enhancing the dramatic change in

Grenouille’s mental state, the repetition of the colour “purple”, symbolic for royalty and

sovereignty, is replaced by “dark”, reflecting that, the influence of the biblical allusion of

Grenouille as creator and king, has ended. This strategic technique emphasises Grenouille to

be relieved of any social binding, he is free to act as a king or an animal. As an existentialist,

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he is able to accomplish anything, therefore it should not surprise readers that he is capable

of murder. This period of seclusion proves to be highly significant towards Grenouille’s

maturation and preparation for hunting scents, and could be considered as the stage of

growth and maturation from the Bildungsroman model. This structural technique is

evidence that Grenouille’s existence is highly logical, reasonable and planned, therefore the

murders did not occur by coincidence.

“And his sleep was just as fathomless as that of the innermost Grenouille”, this line

highlights Grenouille’s key characteristic; he revels in alienation and isolation. In the first


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