Commentary on "The Things They Carried" Tim OBrien

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Sharon Huynh

April 4th, 2012

English 10

F Block

The Things They Carried – Tim O’Brien

        In the short story, the author Tim O’Brien weaves descriptions of the soldiers’ physical and emotional baggage throughout the story to show the responsibilities these soldiers had. The title of this chapter emphasizes the physical and emotional responsibilities that weighed down on these men, both physically and mentally. It suggests that responsibility can be almost parasitic; existing within a person and is not easily removed. With the detailed lists of supplies that the men carried, the author establishes the soldiers’ physical burden. Despite of being out in the battlefield, they all have the responsibility of carrying their personal and group’s belongings. Beginning on the first page, O’Brien lists the soldier supplies, such as: “P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches…and two or three canteens of water. Together, these items weighed about 15-20 pounds.” (637) On the succeeding pages, he continues to list other supplies, stressing how physically tiring it is to carry so many materials from one destination to another. As a result of the weight, carrying these materials becomes their burden and duty. In addition, repetition of the phrase “they carried” conveys the concept of responsibly because it enforces these physical burdens that the men endured. The weight of their supplies causes the men physical pain from which they cannot be comforted.

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        Not only are these men weighed down with an abundant supplies, they are also weighed down by emotional responsibilities. This is demonstrated by the responsibility that Lieutenant Cross feels for Lavender’s death.  Throughout the story, Cross finds himself thinking of Martha, a girl back home whom he loves, relentlessly when he should be worrying about the war.  Even when his fellow brothers are falling under fire, he continues to fantasize, distracting him from the situation at hand. As a result of this distraction, Lavender ends up getting shot. Despite the tough image a soldier needs to maintain, he comes to ...

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