Death in Venice Reflective Statement

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Jennifer Harris Period 5 12-3-11 Death in Venice Reflective Statement         In the novel Death in Venice, the protagonist, Aschenbach, is introduced as an honorable, fastidious, and a high status writer in Germany. He is so focused and obsessed with being successful and working because that is all he has ever known. His parents brought him up as a young man who would be successful and disciplined. These qualities of being controlled
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and restrained cause Aschenbach to have qualities of an apollonian man. Slowly as the novel unfolds, the reader sees these Apollonian traits disappearing, which ultimately causes death for Aschenbach. After taking a stroll one day, Aschenbach realizes that he needs a break and vacation from his controlled life. This realization is the first step to his apollonian traits fading, because it is out of the ordinary for him to want a break.  After Aschenbach decides to leave for Venice, the reader slowly sees his apollonian side die out. He stays at a hotel in Venice and is attracted to a ...

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