Does Nanny Help or Hurt Janie?

The novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston takes place in 1928 in the southwest United States. Throughout the novel, Janie, the protagonist seeks her horizon or her major goals in life. Janie wants to find what she calls “pear tree love”, in other words Janie wants to fall in love with the right man and live happily ever after. Nanny, a minor opening character raises Janie and she wants the best for her. She attempts to set up Janie’s life by outlining an unrealistic lifestyle. Janie detests her grandmother for making certain choices about Janie’s life. By the end of the novel, Janie comes to realize that everything Nanny did for Janie was for a good reason. Nanny appears to create misery for Janie by constricting Janie’s potential; however she truly enhances Janie’s character and helps her create a new horizon.

Nanny makes Janie’s life miserable by making her marry Logan Killicks because she feels that Janie needs protection. Nanny lived during the 1860’s around the same time as slavery making her think in an old fashioned manner. Nanny believes that men need to provide for women which marriage accomplishes. On that thought, Nanny decides that Janie should marry Logan Killicks. Janie describes Logan as, “some ole skullhead in de grave yard” (13). In other words, she describes him as old. Nanny senses Janie’s feelings about getting married and tells her, “Ah can’t die easy thinkin’ maybe de menfolks white or black is makin’ a spit cup outa you” (20).The point that Nanny tries to get Janie to understand that men are good and bad, and by marrying Janie off to Logan, Nanny believes that Janie will be in good hands for the future. Nanny also teaches Janie not to be a ‘spit cup’, in other words Nanny does not want any man to take advantage of her granddaughter. At this point and time, Janie does understand what Nanny expresses; instead Janie chooses to hate her grandmother. Thus, by making Janie marry Logan Killicks, Nanny makes Janie unhappy but at the same time Nanny knows that Logan can provide and protect her.

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Janie feels that Nanny’s teachings constrict her horizon. Nanny feels the importance of telling Janie about the world’s social hierarchy of the time, “De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so far as Ah can see” (14). Nanny explains that black women are at the bottom of the world and they cannot do anything about it. Nanny continues teaching Janie that the only way she will gain happiness, if she gets married to the right man. She will then have some money and he will be able to keep her content. So as time passes, Janie meets Jody ...

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