
“In many cultures, a woman is expected to assume the role of the submissive,attentive wife. Often, a woman's role is limited by society to that of wife and mother. Henrik Ibsen, in his play A Doll's House examines the consequences of the stereotypical roles of women in marriage.” Ibsen allows the reader to follow Nora, the main character, along her difficult journey to regain her self-esteem and worth.”(  Durbach 153)

In this play, Henrik Ibsen tackles the problem of women’ rights.

The play somewhat showed the face of the modern women with the will to become independent,with self determination and courage.

At the time the play was written, the society was conservative and the main role of women was to stay at home look after their husbands and children. Women were not allowed to apply for jobs unless they were widows. If women were found working despite having a husband, they were considered social outcasts.


                                     Questions Raised

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The play raises many questions about the role and equality of women in a relatively patriarchal society.We shall discuss a few of these questions in  paragraphs to follow

(1)Many people called the play “too feminist for that era.Is it so?”

In the play, Nora’s husband,Torvald is very authoritarian and cares more for his reputation, than for his family. He called Nora names such as “my little squirrel, my skylark, spendthrift” which all portray Nora as a weak, inferior person. The play is about a women struggling for her authentic identity and individuality.It would be wrong to call it “too ...

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