Edgar Allen Poe:Poe frequently uses a premature burial motif and a theme of suffocation.

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Edgar Allan Poe: Truth in His Writing?

        More times than not in American literature, authors give us an insight to their own lives.  Whether it is fears, life lessons, experiences, or slight fictional embellishment, readers can take the story and make direct correlations to the author’s biography.  This is very prevalent in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, one of the greatest authors in history.  There are numerous accounts to support this theory when digging a little deeper into Poe’s writings.

        The first would be the use of different characters and personalities throughout his stories.  Could this be directly related to what we know about Poe and his drinking addiction?  Given that the stories were written during different times could give the impression of whether he was under the influence or not.  Some characters are sane leading many to believe he was sober in writing that particular work.  Other narrators and characters are leaning on the fine line of insanity, and some have just lost their minds.  The insane could confirm that the tales were written during Poe’s road to intoxication.  Better yet, maybe he was already there.  Could it even be that he used these different personas because he too had multiple personalities. He could have been constantly struggling with his emotions and his perception of life.   For example, the narrator of “The Black Cat” rambles on about his undying love for animals and tries to convince us of his big heart in the following passage:  

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“From my infancy I was noted for the docility and humanity of my disposition. My tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of my companions. I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets. With these I spent most of my time, and never was so happy as when feeding and caressing them. This peculiarity of character grew with my growth, and in my manhood, I derived from it one of my principal sources of pleasure.” (Poe, "The Black Cat", 1845)

Although, the events in ...

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