For this task, my main objective was to look at the world through the eyes of the fictional Holden Caulfield after the day of the carrousel but before Holdens present, at the end of the novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger.

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To Allie

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is  how it all starts… all that Seymour Glass  madman stuff… But I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. Not yet. Why do people always write the same goddam sentences in suicide notes? No, seriously, people say the stupidest things they could ever say in their lives in suicide notes. If I wrote even one of those things right here I would never in my goddam life forgive myself for it. Because being a phony is just about the worst thing someone can do.

The truth is, Allie, it was my funeral that should have been on July 18th, 1946. In reality, it was much earlier than that… I have lived 16 years too many! I guess living would be alright if the world didn’t have so many sunnuvabitches. That’s my problem. I’m too judgmental of everyone and everything. Phoebe says I’m prejudiced. But how the hell do people expect you to talk to them if everything they say is a lie? That’s why I hate getting involved with people. If we were all kids and stayed as kids, the world would be up to the brim with happiness. My trouble is: I’ve never been happy. Not even as a kid. I’m not saying I never felt happy. What I’m saying is that I was never straight out happy. Everyone thinks it’s the same thing, but its not. There’s a difference between feeling and being… I know.

It’s funny how everyone thought that after that day I would recover… I told them about damn near bawling and about feeling so damn happy and all. But no one knows what really happened. The thing is, I realized then that the world was just as it should be… Phoebe was going around and around and around in the carrousel. I was sitting on a bench in the rain, watching her. I wasn’t part of it. I wasn’t part of the circle. I wasn’t part of the world. It all went on without me. Not even my hunting hat  could have protected me from the truth and helped me out of that one. I realized my real role in the world: to not be.

Since then I’ve been hospitalized. A psychoanalyst visits me every day. He keeps on telling me to take it easy. It sounds awful, if you think about it. It makes me want to kill myself even more. No one understands this is something I have to do by myself. I’ll only stop when I finish it. Dr. Lollar says I’m being stupid. But I’m past the stupid point. I’m bordering insanity. I’m a madman, I swear to God I am.

They keep on asking me about my future… where I see myself ten years from now. I hate that question! It’s so stupid. It’s goddam depressing, if you want to know the truth. Unless you do know what you’re going to do in the future, and you can picture yourself ten years from now… And now, you see, I can.

Anyways, I guess that’s it. Perhaps by saying all this, I’m the one who’s being a phony. So why live?

Tell D.B. to stop being a prostitute  –I swear to God each time I think about it, it makes me damn near puke –more than I already have. Tell Phoebe I love her. And that I still think it should be “If a body catch a body comin’ through the rye.” She says it’s “If a body meet a body coming through the rye” and that it’s a poem by Robert Burns.  That kills me. See, if it’s not “If a body catch a body comin’ through the rye,” there’s no point anymore.

It looks like there was no need for another war. I took care of it myself! Right now I’m sitting on the atomic bomb, and the time is ticking.

I think this is what you were talking about, Mr. Antolini. This is the other side of the cliff! You were too late, though… I couldn’t hold on any longer and you couldn’t catch me!

F--- it. I give up.

Holden Caul-field

p.s. I hope my tombstone really does say “f--- you” on it. That way the whole world will know what a completely helpless wreck we live in.

…My hand trickles with blood as I make a tight fist, and allow the rest of reality to seep through my fingers…

Word count: 759



  • The Catcher in the Rye


Last date of access: 01/07/07

  • The Catcher in the Rye


Last date of access: 31/07/07


  1. SALINGER, Jerome David. The Catcher in the Rye. UK, Penguin Books Ltd, 2002.

In the space below, provide the following information:

  1. your objectives and how you have attempted to achieve them
  2. specific examples showing how this was done
  3. comments on how the task demonstrates an understanding of the cultural or literary option on which it is based.

For this task, my main objective was to look at the world through the eyes of the fictional Holden Caulfield after the day of the carrousel but before Holden’s ‘present’, at the end of the novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye,’ by J.D. Salinger. In the time period between these two events there appears to be a gap since only limited information is given about the occurrences. The main facts we become aware of is that Holden went home, got sick (i.e. had a breakdown) and is currently at a type of rehabilitation centre. By using information from the novel and using my creativity, I was able to easily imagine what Holden could have done and felt during this part of the story (p. 191-192). I thought that it would be a good idea to refer to ‘real’ happenings in the novel (e.g. Holden’s conversation with Mr. Antolini about the “cliff” he is on and the fall he is about to experience, Allie’s death and the day of the carrousel) since Holden is reflecting on his entire life at this stage, especially on the last two years of his life, which is when the narration takes place. The coursework I have written is an extremely personal piece and is therefore intended to clearly portray the genuine and distinctive character of Holden and his outlook on the world (e.g. that all adults are phonies, that “if we were all kids and stayed as kids, the world would be up to the brim with happiness” and that it is “stupid” to think about the “future”). I also attempted to imitate Salinger’s colloquial writing style by using words and expressions that are characteristic of the character of Holden (e.g. “goddam,” “phony” and “and all”). In this way, I also tried to convey the same feeling Salinger managed to put across through the character.

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By using strong and memorable occurrences of the actual novel, referring to either his depression or his view regarding death or suicide (e.g. his hospitalization, his discussion of there being a “nuclear war,” and his reflection on having “F--- you” written on his “tombstone”), I have been able to write a ‘never-before-found’ suicide note, written from Holden to Allie. ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ appealed to me as a novel from the very beginning because of its distinctive writing style. This is one of the reasons why I chose to focus on this novel and Holden, in particular. I ...

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