Gender Roles in "Chronicle of a Death Foretold",

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Gender role has a significant effect on the novel by showing the line between the obligations of men and women.

In The Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the distinct spheres that separate men from women play a key role in developing the story. In one part of the story, when Pura Vicario was pressuring Angela to marry Bayardo San Roman, Pablo Vicario mentions that, “It looked to us like woman problems.” (20) This shows that there indeed is a line between the social responsibilities between men and women. Pablo, representing the mindset of men, distances himself from the discussion Angela was having with Pura Vicario, thinking that a woman’s decision to marry someone was their issue. H believes that women have certain obligations that they must fulfill in their life, and consequently the decision of marriage was one of those obligations. However, all this changes when Angela Vicario confesses that Santiago Nasar had taken her virginity. Women’s issues suddenly become men’s matter when Angela Vicario confesses that Santiago Nasar had taken her virginity. Marquez mentions, “After their sister revealed the name to them, the Vicario twins went to the bin in the pigsty where they kept their sacrificial tools and picked out the two best knives…” (30) Women were thought to organize the family and do inner works and men were expected to do the aggressive and external obligations. With Angela’s confession, the twin brothers were suddenly compelled to murder Santiago Nasar to win back their honor. The Vicario brothers did not believe that women were capable of holding up their honor by murdering others. Therefore, the Vicario brothers had to step in to the ‘woman’s issue’ to rectify the chaotic situation. With the imposing of division between the obligation of men and women, the whole chronicle springs to life as people are expected to live up to their gender roles. The whole novel circulates around the issue of Santiago Nasar’s death. Santiago died because of the Vicario brothers’ strong upholding of their obligation. Hence, the chronicle sparked around the separation of duties between men and women. Action society expects to be taken by individuals creates irrational behavior like the murdering of Santiago Nasar.

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Sex effectively portrays the traditional Latin American belief on the allocation of duties based on gender. The novel takes a step further to allow the readers to think twice about whether we should adhere to the traditional gender roles in society. Marquez mentions that, “The girls had been reared to get married. They knew how to do screen embroidery, sew by machine, weave bone lace, wash and iron, make artificial flowers and fancy candy, and write engagement announcements.” (18) We are able to see that the Vicario sisters, exemplifying women in general, were given traditional roles that they had to ...

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