In Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep is Marlowe a knight?

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Composition by Taylor Edwards

Ms. Ferguson


Section 3

Nov 7, 2010

“The Big Sleep”  -  Is Marlowe a Knight

        Philip Marlowe is the principal character in Raymond Chandler’s book The Big Sleep”. In this story we follow Marlowe as he encounters extortion, kidnapping, seduction and murder in his attempt to solve his client’s black mailing problem. I intend to demonstrate that throughout the story, Marlowe continues to be an excellent example of a modern day knight.

        In medieval times, knights were soldiers who fought for their king and country. They were recognized by their king for their loyalty, bravery, experience in battle and courtesy to his fellow people. To have the title “knight”, you were expected to have not only the strength and skills to face combat but also the control to suppress one’s aggressive side and replace it, when appropriate, with a chivalrous side which is to say, courtesy toward women. Translating this into modern times, a knight would be someone who is brave but courteous, honourable and honest, polite and respectful of women no matter what the situation may be and most of all relentless in the pursuit of justice.

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        Marlowe leaves the Los Angles police force because he thought that they were corrupt and unjust towards the general public. This shows that he is honourable, honest and loyalty to the people he had the responsibility to protect, namely the citizens of Los Angles. It also shows that he is an honest man in a corrupt world. Throughout his investigation Marlowe is faced with many temptations to become corrupt but he maintains his honour.


        Marlowe is hired by General Sternwood to investigate a blackmailing attempt. We quickly meet one of Sternwood’s daughters who tries to seduce him ...

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