In The Road, the boy, a kid with innocence and the father are moving towards the ocean to find good guys. Throughout their journey they go through challenging events that challenges their morals and respect for other people.

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Think about a world where one man can even stand by his own people? Think about a world where you can't trust anyone except yourself? Think about a world where feeding off people's flesh a cultural way of surviving? Think about the world where shooting is only option available? NOW STOP THINKING and let’s go on to The Road. In The Road, the boy, a kid with innocence and the father are moving towards the ocean to find good guys. Throughout their journey they go through challenging events that challenges their morals and respect for other people. They repeatedly assure each other that they are the “good guys” who are “carrying the fire”. The fire, a hope for surviving represents the humanity that is left inside their heart. Even in the desperation of the darkest and harsh times the symbol of carrying the fire did not let them forget their morals and values that they kept with them throughout the journey. The metaphor gives them hope to keep walking and perhaps find others like themselves.

“[The Boy:] Are they gone, Papa?

[The Man:] Yes, they're gone.

[The Boy:] Did you see them?

[The Man:] Yes.

[The Boy:] Were they the bad guys?

[The Man:] Yes, they were the bad guys (pg 92).”

The quote shows that the son has an interest of what is good and what is wrong and his father helps identify people that are carrying the fire. This goes back to the concept of carrying that people who are carrying the fire have a good heart and respect for other people, while the bad guys, the cannibals are the people who steal, eat people, lie and  give up. The boy in this case, realizes who the bad guys are; also realizes that they are not bad guys.

“[The Man]: Listen, we have to talk. That man back there... There's not many good guys left, that's all. We have to watch out for the bad guys. We have to just... keep carrying the fire.  

[The Boy]: What fire?  

[The Man]: The fire inside you.  

[The Boy]: Are we still the good guys?  

[The Man]: Yes, we're still the good guys. Of course we are.  

[The Boy]: And we always will be? No matter what happens?  

[The Man]: Always will (pg 134).”

This quote explains that the man and the boy are good guys because they are carrying the fire, meaning they are carrying goodness, kindness and compassion in their hearts for other people. The father tells this to the boy before dying and wants to carry the fire in the new generation to revive humanity and morality. He wants the boy to keep the fire meaning keep the kindness, compassion and respect other people and that would help keep the future save from the bad guys.

What the boy had seen was a charred human infant headless and gutted and blackening on the spit. He bent and picked the boy up and started for the road with him, holding him close. I'm sorry, he whispered. I'm sorry (pg 192).” 

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 The Man and The Boy happen upon a campfire with a spit. On the spit there's the charred body of an infant. He picks up The Boy and carries him to The Road. This shows the difference between good guys and bad guys. The bad guys are people that have lost hope, accepted and surrender to the world of darkness, while the good guys like the man and the boy are carrying their hopes. They are trying their best not to surrender; keep on fighting against these bad guys.

“The water was so clear. He held it to the light. ...

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