macbeth's state of mind while going to kill duncan

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Macbeth’s state of mind as he went to kill the king.

Knowledge is power yet mankind is not any closer to figuring the enigma that is life or the entity that is the human mind or the ambiguous soul given the information we now possess. Macbeth is a decorated war hero who comes to commit regicide under the cloak of his ambitious wife challenging his manhood, the half-truth prophecies of beady-eyed witches for a shield and a dagger thickly coated with unadulterated ambition. Shakespeare’s motives of writing the play may be numerous but it does put forward the question; how far are you willing to go to achieve your deepest, darkest desires, that is, if they are ever realized? The killing of King Duncan is the apex of Macbeth’s fall from grace, a downward spiral to a taunted mind and inflating insecurities on his pedestal of power. It is what he wanted, right? I will explore Shakespeare’s use of language, plot and other characters to vividly portray Macbeth’s final hour of humanity.

At first, Macbeth is taken back by the prospects of his future that the witches propose to him at their first meeting when he demands they speak. They address him directly, hailing him as Thane of Glamis(which he is), Thane of Cawdor(an aspect of dramatic irony for we as the readers already know that the title was already given to him, the previous one being a traitor) and King, sometime in the future. This renders him speechless and Banquo, his companion, points out “Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair?” Banquo is wondering why Macbeth was not amused or at least cynical of such great prospects after prodding them. This is answered when he regains speech and tries to interrogate the witches for more information as to how he is to gain any of the titles and where they came by such information. At this point, Macbeth is simply juggling the information he was just bombarded with, trying to make sense of it, making his present state one of confusion and wonder.

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Then, the bombshell is dropped. Ross and Angus arrive to declare Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. The witches have now sown a seed of ambition or simply unearthed what was already there. This is evident with his remarks, “Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor! The greatest is behind.” Meaning that he does expect ‘the greatest’ (becoming King) to happen in the near future. This is further emphasized with yet another echoing statement of, “Two truths are told as happy prologues to the swelling act of imperial theme.” The titles he now has are simply ‘happy prologues’, short introductions holding in them promise ...

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