Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a novel that very effectively brings out the economic as well as social aspects of being part of a middle class Jewish speaking German family.

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Metamorphosis – Franz Kafka

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a novel that very effectively brings out the economic as well as social aspects of being part of a middle class Jewish speaking German family. The protagonist Gregor is subject to exploitation by his overtly lazy father, ailing mother and sister full of ‘Childhood flightiness’ even before turning into a ‘monstrous vermin’ and post his transformation. He being the sole bread earner in the family, has all the responsibilities thus leaving him no time to himself causing him to ‘lock his door from inside’ in order to get some privacy. This shows that due to the poor relationship between his family and him, how he chose to remain further isolated. It also shows how being locked up in his room creates a barrier not only between him and his family, but also the outside world. His metamorphosis not only changes him physically, but brings about a significant change in him mentally.

Gregor is fully taken advantage of by his family members, especially his father. For instance, Gregor’s father used to ‘read the newspaper out loud’ and ‘hiss at him’ and give him a ‘shove’ which certainly suggests that he is not as weak as he portrays and can definitely work, but chooses to leave it all up to poor Gregor. This is also seen when his father begins to work at the bank after Gregor’s transformation. Thus this shows that there is not only a gap in communication but in an expression of emotion leading to isolation and alienation in the household atmosphere.

Gregor used to only think about his family as his first priority, and thus he is not worried about turning into a beetle like insect but more because he wont be able to make it for work on time, which reveals his complete selfless nature subject to exploitation. Gregor had ‘nothing on his mind but the business’ hence he could never really express his emotions of how much he actually hated his job. Gregor is happily allowing his family to misuse him, without realizing it because he considers it his duty to make up for his father debts. Gregor is in the delusion that his family is calling for the locksmith and doctor to help him out but in fact it was only because they wanted him to go to work thus throwing light upon the lonesome and desolate life he led. His mother shows no signs of sympathy instead she screams and frightens Gregor. His family instead of questioning and caring for him isolates him in his room. Gregor loses his only form of communicating with his family, his voice that further emphasizes on his isolation.

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Gregor had always believed that his father ‘had not been able to save a penny from the business” but in fact there was a little money that remained ‘intact’ and “had increased through untouched interest”. The family does not share basic issues and lacks a bond, and Gregor is always treated as an outsider. Despite all the hard work, when Gregor handed over the money to his family, ‘no special feeling of warmth went with it’ which further highlights how he is exploited continually and just considered a machine that earns money.

After Gregor’s metamorphosis he is seen as a ...

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