Moral Courage. After reading the story On the Rainy River, and the books, Antigone and Oedipus Rex, the reader can discern various instances where moral courage was displayed.

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How Much Courage do you Have?

        Moral Courage: It is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences.  After reading the story On the Rainy River, and the books, Antigone and Oedipus Rex, the reader can discern various instances where moral courage was displayed.  However, there are a few instances where the opposite is true.  Moral courage is always the best choice, no matter what the consequences are.  Examining these examples of moral courage:  those of Tim O’Brien, Antigone, and Oedipus,  will show that moral courage is always the right choice.

        On the Rainy River showed a lack of moral courage.  In the story, a boy named Tim O’Brien received a draft letter from the Army to go fight in the Vietnam war.  Tim felt that the war was unjustified and he did not want to fight.  He ran away from home to a lodge in Minnesota near the Canadian border.  The owner of the lodge, Elroy, let him stay without charge.  After a few days, Elroy took him out on a boat and took him to the Canadian shore line.  Elroy turned his back to the boy and was going to let Tim jump.  Tim felt it was justified to get away from the war but he had no moral courage.  Instead of running a way from his assignment, he could have gone to court as a conscientious objector.  Tim would have showed courage standing up to the peer pressure all around him and the military.  Sadly, Tim gave in.  The last two lines in the book read, “I was a coward.  I went to war.”  In this story, when the time came for courage to be shown, Tim shrinks back in fear.

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        In the book, Antigone, Antigone’s brothers Polyneices and Eteocles, killed each other in battle.  One brother was fighting for good, the other for bad.  In the story, King Creon declared that Polyneices, the brother fighting for bad, would not be buried.  The king declared that if anyone tried to bury Polyneices, they would be put to death.  Antigone’s opportunity to show moral courage had come.  That night, Antigone buried the body of Polyneices and the next morning, the king heard about it.  King Creon had the body uncovered and Antigone came back to bury her brother  again.  This time, the ...

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