Mr Aesop Written Task - (Idea for poem adapted from Duffys original poem Mrs Aesop from The Worlds Wife

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Mr Aesop

(Idea for poem adapted from Duffy’s original poem “Mrs Aesop” from The World’s Wife)

1 For goodness sakes, she was unbearable. Such a dimwit,

and proud of it. She, didn’t care one bit for my stories of virtue;

virtuous stories full with meaning, of value and hard labour. She just

dismissed it; called it “tedious,” not within her league of knowledge.

My goodness, I tried my best to make a good home for her. Made the effort

Of entertaining her; with evening walks – with stories – full of value

Oh no, she wouldn’t take it. Hated going out. Didn’t care for me one bit.

She called me an impressor; one full of air, but nothing substantial underneath.

She had no time for my exploration of the world – the beauteous

world. I tried to explain to her; so she might gain some bit;

a bit of knowledge. No, she wouldn’t. She thought me crazy

for trying to teach her the birds and the bees. And no, she found that diabolical.

She hated my stories; my stories of good value and deeds; labeled them

stupid and a waste of her time. I want to say - who, exactly,

is the stupid; her or the story? I made great pains to impose knowledge on her;

“Slow, but certain, Ms Aesop, wins the race.” And you know

what she said to that? “Asshole.” You see, she had no merit to learn.

I made warnings to her; in the forms of stories; so that

she may learn a lesson. But no, none of that, said she.

“Jackdaws envy the eagle! Donkeys envy the lions!

Join now!

So she should envy me and my knowledge. Of course, what do you expect –

hearing that – she threw a nasty fit; of course, women would do that.

“No more lectures!” cried she, on just one of my lovely overtures about life.

Lectures? Young lady, you should be pleased to hear such stories and learn,

learn important lessons from me. She accused me of taking her womanhood from her;

what a incompetent woman she is. Grateful she should be to possess such, such a great

man as me, to give her moralistic ideas.

One day, ...

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