Own Slave Ship Story - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

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Sid Rai



Slave Ship of the Seas

        The biggest monstrosity I had ever witnessed towered over a river of other toweled heads walking down the golden beach with the strong smell of fresh fish and salt blowing in the western winds. It was bigger than the biggest fishing and carrier boat on the majestic rivers that flowed through our farmland. These white men came and robbed us. They robbed us from our families, our friends, and our land. I had heard stories about them taking people away to work someplace else, but never heard about someone who came back to tell the story.

        We all walked in a bunch of disorderly lines all heading in the general direction of the elegant monsters. Nobody was tied down, and every now and then, either a white man on a horse would ride past, or one of our own darker skinned people would bark orders at us. Traitors. All of them. How could they turn against their own people, their own brothers and sisters? I had the sudden urge to lash out and strike these traitors down, but I knew better. I wasn’t the first to be angered. I was well composed compared to the others. Many times, one of our brothers would try and escape, or just try and injure the nearest ‘guard’ (they where assigned the duty of guarding us, as claimed by one of the other captives), but would fail miserably and that would be the last we would hear of them. Some said that they where promoted for showing their bravery, other’s claimed that they where returned to their homelands. But I knew exactly what happened to them. And my speculations were finally confirmed when we were tossed onto the ships like fish. Whoever protested would get a crack of a whip wherever possible, hands, head, feet, faces, the same whips we would normally use for our cows and horses in farming. We were treated worse than animals, being shoved onto the top and being pushed down, not knowing when we will see sun again.

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        The sleeping areas where damp with sea water leaking through the cracks of this monster. Some generous people tried to help out by using their head cloth to stop the leakage, but to no avail. A uniformed fellow did come along to see what the commotion was, but just swore and told us that the water would leak out again. We stayed silent, believing him, and fearing that any word uttered in the presence of a whip could be painful. Slowly by slowly, the place filled up with more people and more water. And what seemed to be just a ...

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