My annotations of Pablo Neruda’s poems were a little shaky at first, because I was unable to account for reoccurring themes. The sheer volume of poems did not leave time for backtracking, and I often did not begin to star a common device until the second or third time it was iterated. As I neared the end of the packet, however, I had begun to recognize three motifs that appeared often to draw my interest and two major articles that Neruda seems to base his metaphors on in nearly every included poem. My noted motifs include diction dealing with gemstones and knives, while his metaphors seem to be divided mainly between water and earth.

While I cannot say for sure what he means by these images, I noticed Neruda mention gemstones in several poems, namely “Piano” [“an emerald crossed the abysses” (Neruda 283)], “Black Pantheress” [“a rhombus of topaz or the gold of a hexagon” (Neruda 249); “the panther / of mineral eye” (Neruda 251)], and “The Poet” [“that time / when I cherished a leaflet of quartz” (Neruda 177)]. I am not sure whether this added description is meant to signify color or the worth of what is being described. I suspect that in both cases belonging to “Black Pantheress,” Neruda is speaking of the panther’s eyes glinting in the “darkness made perfect” (Neruda 249)- that is to say, the night. Neruda could be choosing gemstones to describe this in order to make note of how one must look hard to find both a valuable stone and to discover such an elusive beast. As for “The Poet,” I believe that the leaflet is composed of quartz to signify the worth of it- Neruda’s diction [“cherished” (Neruda 177)] convinces me of this. As for "Piano," I am tempted to compare the described emerald to light, if only because Neruda notes immediately before this jewel is mentioned that “light fell” (Neruda 283).

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My analysis of Neruda’s use of knives is comparatively insecure. I first began to make note of instances in which he mentions them upon annotating “Savor” [“an unvarying angel inhabits my sword” (Neruda 47)]. I then made note of it in “Fantom” [“a child…proved, like a sword” (Neruda 49)], “Walking Around” [“It would be nice / just to walk down the street with a green switchblade / handy” (Neruda 77)], “Ode with a Lament” [“You are all green and blue, like a sword blade” (Neruda 83)], “Some Beasts” [“a tongue like a javelin” (Neruda 119)], “The Beggars” [“till metals remake ...

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