Self discipline and willpower in "The sound of waves" by Yukio Mishima and "One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich" by Alaxander Solzhenitsyn.

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Harsh Patel643984ENG 3U8-BDue: November 16, 2012Self-Discipline and Willpower In both novels, The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima and One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alaxander Solzhenitsyn, the characters demonstrate the extent of their self-discipline and willpower through their ability to undertake responsibility in difficult situations. During a nasty typhoon brewing around the freighter, Shinji shows his dedication for his job and his strong willpower by undertaking the challenge of rescuing the buoy. Knowing the risks of the task, Shinji, "shouted out in a cheerful voice, and as he did so the white flash of his teeth
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shone through the blackness to prove that he was smiling. ’I'll do it,' he shouted clearly." (Mishima 161) Shinji’s response indicates his sense of responsibility associated with being a fisherman. Shinji’s responsibility associated with being a fisherman proves to be greater than the difficulty of the dangerous tasks which shows his discipline in his work. In addition, Shinji’s strong willpower is revealed as he accepts the difficult task with excitement and firmness even though he is afraid. Furthermore, even though Shinji’s mother has a painful job of diving she realizes the importance of providing food for her family is more ...

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