The collision of the Native American, European, and African cultures greatly influenced the shaping of the American society.

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Collision of Culture

In the course of human events it is inevitable that different cultures will meet. Throughout history, when cultures with drastically contrasting traits met, great conflicts occurred. When two cultures are in contact, the culture with superior technology tends to try and take over the other culture. Such behaviors were also present when the Europeans, Native Americans, and African cultures clashed. When these three cultures met, the period was during the Age of Exploration. This was a period of time when a fervor of knowledge for the geography of the world was greatly expressed, resulting in the discovery of the Americas. The collision of the Native American, European, and African cultures greatly influenced the shaping of the American society.

        One important culture that influenced America was the Native American culture. The Native American culture is mainly presented through two different themes, the themes of respect for nature and animals. For example, according to the “Great Mystery,” there are two main symbols of nature, the sun and the earth. The sun is the father and the Earth is the mother. The sun gives the seeds for life, as a father would do and the Earth nurtures these organisms, as a mother would do. The example of respect towards animals is shown in the Native American creation myths, specifically, the “Coyotes” creation myth and “The Sky Tree” creation myths. In the coyotes, there is a coyote that acts like  “Superman” and aids people by destroying the evil and teaching human important skills. In “The Sky Tree,” there is a sky tree that is the source of life. Also, there are animals that help to create land for people to live on and for the sky tree to grown on. This serves as an excellent example for both the themes of nature and animals. From the examples presented, it is easy to tell that the Native Americans had great respect for animals and nature. This is similar to the Africans. The Africans also had a peaceful relationship with nature, respecting it. However, this idea certainly contradicts the European belief in exploiting nature and animals. This reflects their aggressive personalities.

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        Another important culture present is the European American culture. The main themes of European American culture are religious devotion and materialistic beliefs. For example, in “Plymouth Plantation,” by Bradford, God is mentioned over ten times in the short passage. This was due to the fact that the first Europeans to come to America were Puritans who were people fleeing religious persecution. The materialistic inclinations of European American culture are presented in the “Soul of the Indians.” In the chapter, it is mentioned that as soon as the Europeans landed in the Americas they sought to generate profit from everything they ...

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