The strength of women in One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits

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The strength of women in One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits

        Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende both give women strong leadership roles in their novels, as in One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits women play a significant role in family affairs. Men often start off strong, but often lose sight of what’s important or no longer use their skills to be the successful leader they are able to be. When this happens, it is the women who step in to keep the family strong and the day to day activities going. Without these women, the families in both One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits would perhaps fall to pieces.

        In One Hundred Years of Solitude, the matriarch of the Buendia family is Ursula Iguaran. Right from chapter one, readers are able to see her sense of level headedness. When Jose Arcadio Buendia first got caught up in the idea of science and alchemy, as shown to him by Melquiades, and wanted to trade their farm animals for magnetized ingots, her sense of reality tired to convince him not to do so. It says, “[Jose Arcadio Buendia] traded his mule and a pair of goats for the two magnetized ingots. Ursula Iguaran, his wife, who relied on those animals for their poor domestic holdings, was unable to dissuade him” (Marquez 2). This may seem like an insignificant moment, but it’s not. It is this moment that foreshadows the fact that that Ursula is going to be the sensible one in the family, the one whose practicality will keep the family going, even when Jose Arcadio Buendia’s curiosity might get the best of him. This would turn out to be okay, though, because “Ursula’s capacity for work was the same as that of her husband” (Marquez 8).

        In The House of the Spirits, readers also see a strong sense of women’s leadership right from the beginning of the novel embodied by Nivea del Valle, the matriarch of the del Valle family. It says:

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[Nivea del Valle] shared her husband’s parliamentary ambitions, hoping that if he won a seat in Congress she would finally secure the vote for women, for which she had fought for the past ten years, permitting none of her numerous pregnancies to get in her way. (Allende 3)

Not only is Nivea del Valle fulfilling her duties of bringing children into the family, a strong held belief at that time, but she is also was able to aspire to have rights and duties outside of the family for herself, and for other women. This shows just how strong of a ...

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