Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys the author of this novel wanted us to believe Antoinette's side of the story. The whole purpose of writing this novel was to allow Bertha Mason the mad woman in the attic from Jane Eyre, to reclaim her identity as Antoinette Cosway and give her a voice, so Rhys ought to make Antoinette's narrative sound more believable than the husband's. Rhys was also a feminist born to a creole mother so it is much more likely that she took Antoinette's side rather than her husband's. Reading the novel I would have believed Antoinette Cosway's narrative voice regardless of
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the author's background and origin. Perhaps because we were given a clearer background about Antoinette's life. We were told about her miserable childhood. Having to grow up with no father and a mother who was almost only physically there. She was always discriminated against very few people cared for her. Given this background any abnormal behavior by her would almost be justified or excused. And I honestly think that she is to naïve to try to deceive readers by taking the role of  “the innocent one”,  or the victim.Another reason I found Antoinette's narrative more believable was because I thought ...

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