"Wine of Astonishments" Describe the kind of person Eva is and consider Earl Lovelaces purpose in using her as the narrator

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Ronaldo Degazon        Monday 28/05/12         Literature: Wine of Astonishment

In the novel we hear the voice and read the story through the experience and point of view of the middle aged community woman Eva, Bee’s wife:

Describe the kind of person Eva is and consider the author’s purpose in using her as the narrator instead of :

Bee himself


Eva is Bee’s confidante and supporter. Her husband, the leader of the village and their religion is burdened by the many injustices that he and his people face. She as his wife, provides the support that he needs to prevent him from falling apart. Such is seen on pg 136 when she says “People like you don’t get tired Bee. People like you is the pillars holding up the earth. If you get tired the whole world fall down.” She urges him to keep on leading the church even if the worst seems inevitable. Bee also shares every conversation with her including those of great significance, such as when the villagers are allowed to vote (pg 48), when he discusses Ivan Morton’s failure as a leader (pgs 138 -40) and when he realizes that Bolo has to be sacrificed (125-27). She is the one who consults with Bee before he makes big decisions.

Through feeling Bee’s struggles herself, Eva is also very protective of Bee. She defends her husband when the children begin to question his manliness and authority. As mother, she tries to interpret their father’s behavior to them. She say to Taffy “Just be glad you not a man in these times boy,” She tries to explain to her sons that having the authority of a man in these times was a burden, only worsened by the oppressive colonial system which seemed almost impossible to overthrow.

Eva also faces the responsibilities and challenges of motherhood. As a typical African mother, Eva is concerned for her children and only wants the best for them. She worries about Joyce’s relationship with Clyde, about Taffy’s rebelliously wild behavior, about Winston, who wants to become a policeman, a part of the system which oppresses them and about Reggie for whom education will only make him Ivan Morton esque.

Nevertheless, in the face of all the challenges endured by Eva she remains optimistic even when things appear to be at their worst ebb. Her devout faith in her religion drives her belief that everything is in the hands of god who will ultimately restore justice and happiness. This ability to cope with disappointment, hardship and denial is emphasized throughout the novel as she continually has to help Bee come from his sorrows. Eva’s mantra  in the first sentence of the novel “God don’t give you more than you can bear,” underlines her faith in God and her strength.

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The writer suitably chooses Eva as the narrator in the story because she is the point of centrality who can recall all the events that occur in the village. First of all she is the husband to the church leader and one of the main characters; Bee. She shares his moments of happiness and moments of sorrow with him and can effectively relay these moments to us and make us feel what Bee was feeling. She is the one who also understand Bee the most and explains his behavior to the audience and even to his children.

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