Wonderful Fool Essay-Alwin 11A

        In order for one to surpass the role of a fool and be unique in the book Wonderful Fool, written by Shusaku Endo, one must be honest, generous and not retaliate with violence whenever they are attacked mentally and physically. Gaston, a traveling Frenchman that is obsessed with Japan is the only character which surpasses the role of a fool. Gaston’s characteristics compromises more than a regular fool that is evident in other characters in the book, and he surpasses the attitude of a fool. He is portrayed as an innocent, redemptive and even Christ-liked figure. Gaston though, seems never to be bothered by his surroundings, which is completely new to him and can cause him or his companions to be in a tough and stressful situation.

        Gaston is a person who doesn't believe in violence. When Endo who Gaston accompanied, tried to assault him physically, he did not respond to Endo in a way of violence.  Gaston’s open heart and willingness to help others made people to find understanding and sympathy in him. Gaston, who is a foreigner and had no sense on direction in the journey around Japan, was helped by his attitude of non-violence.  He gained food and accommodation for his willingness to help and kindness towards other people. The current situation he is facing seems to go against him, as he is often embarrassed, laughed at and gets treated differently being a foreigner. Gaston can be called a fool in situations like these, for example when he entered a Japanese eatery with Tomoe and Takamori. He acts like an idiot that is not aware of the trouble he can potentially face and the consequences it brings.  But, what makes Gaston surpasses the terms of a “fool” in these situations is that instead of revenge, he takes it as an experience and does not fight back to people that mock him.

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        Gaston never discriminates a person and treat them differently than others. He treats every person, ranging from the ones who are nice to him such as Takamori, to ones that get annoyed with him, such as Tomoe and Endo the character equally. Gaston treats them with kindness and respect.  He never gets mad at Tomoe and Endo, even though they both were bothered by Gaston’s foolishness. Gaston also has a characteristic of trusting any person he met along the way in Japan, such as trusting the Sensei in Shibuya for a night’s accommodation and fortune telling. Even though Endo the ...

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