Hamlet by William Shakespeare

by Andrew Perman | Tuesday 17th of January 2023

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Published: 1603

Country: United Kingdom

Publisher: Nicholas Ling, First Folio

The longest Shakespeare play, probably the most discussed, arguably the most puzzling, and containing the role that all young actors regard as their greatest test; Hamlet continues to fascinate audiences 400 years after its composition. There are over 30 film variations, which includes Disney's The Lion King, each version suggests different solutions to the many problems of the play. 

Containing the most famous speech in the English language – certainly the most famous line – it is typical of the enigma of Hamlet that there is still controversy over where “To be or not to be” should actually appear in the play! 

The bloody tale of Dark Age retribution, which was Shakespeare’s source, becomes a revenge tragedy in which the act of revenge is endlessly deferred, a ghost story whose “apparition” [according to Dr Johnson] “left the regions of the dead to little purpose”, a story with a hero whose “infinite faculties” do not prevent him destroying his own family and that of his lover. “What a piece of work is a man!” Hamlet exclaims and it is the debate about what kind of humanity can prevail in a dangerous and insecure world that continues to give the play contemporary resonance. 

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