A good quality image is the key factor to a successful abdominal x-ray.

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A good quality image is the key factor to a successful abdominal x-ray.

There are many scientific principles involved in the production of an x-ray image which can be controlled by the operator. Although exposure factors can be varied and altered in different aspects, the abdominal x-ray is much more limited in diagnosis than a basic chest x-ray. (Bicklem, I 2006) The supine abdominal x-ray is the standard for an x-ray.  (Kelly, B. 2002). The supine postion for abdominal x-rays is used 99% of the time. The abdominal radiograph is one of the

most commonly requested images. X-rays  of the supine abdominal postion are past from front to back. (Kelly, B. 2002). The supine positon is more appropriate to demonstrate objects. (Ball, C and Price, T 1995).

It is important to manipulate the exposure factors in order to produce the best quality image.  The quality of the beam indicates its penetrating power. Knowlodge of these factors assist the radiographer in achieving the best quality image possible. Ball, C and Price, T 1995).

When taking a successful abdominal x-ray, it is important to focus on the patient in relation to the controlling factors. There is no advance preparation required. The radiographer should get the patients history as they may determine exposure factors or inidcate any varitations that may be needed. The patient lies in a supine position (facing upwards). The bladder and the symphysis pubis should be included on the radiograph. The patient should be straight and parallel to the table. The cassette should be centred to the iliac crest. (Ball, C and Price, T 1995).

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Exposure factors:

A more penetrating beam will produce a lower contrast image as a less penetrating beam will produce a higher contrast image.

Low subject contrast should be used as there are various organ tissues in the abdomin region. There are three major tissue types in the abdomen, soft tissue, gas and fat. (C, Andrea 1998).   The pressure of radiolucent fat in the abdomen demonstrates specific abdominal structures. If kVp is too low, the image will lack density resulting in a whitewashed or sooty appearance. If kVp is too high the image will appear over exposed ...

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