Table of Contents

Interesting Facts………………………….pg.1

Asian Elephant Diet……………………

Life Cycle…….………………….pg.2


Natural Habitat……………..….……pg.3

 Location Map…………………………


Warm or Cold Blooded………………………….pg.6


Work Sited………………………………

    Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about the Asian elephant:

  1. Asian Elephants are scared of mice.

  1. Female elephants are known as cows.

  1. Cows live in family herds with their young.

  1. Adult males are known as bulls.

  1. Bulls tend to live on their own.

  1. The elephant is Earths largest land animal.

  1. At birth, elephants already weigh about 2OO pounds.

  1. Adult elephants can eat up to 3OO pounds of food!

  1. Elephants are classified as mammals and herbivores.
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10.Even though elephants have enoroumous ears, there hearing is very poor.

          Asian Elephant Diet

The elephant’s diet is very large. It is known that they can eat up to 3OO pounds of food. Elephants are herbivores and eat all types of vegetation such as grasses, leaves, fruits, and bark. Their diet varies from types of trees to wild mangos.

                                 Life Cycle

Female Asian elephants are capable of giving birth approximately every 4-6 years, about 7 calves in a lifetime. Babies are carried inside elephant ...

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