Characterize of organic macromolecules, which are carbohydrates, protein, and lipid, that present food.

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Characterize of organic macromolecules, which are carbohydrates, protein, and lipid, that present food.


  • To describe the presence of Monosaccharide (single sugar) and Disaccharide (double sugar) in Benedict’s reagent.
  • To describe the presence of polysaccharide (starch) in Iodine reagent.
  • To describe the presence of protein in Biuret reagent.
  • To describe the presence of lipid on brown paper.
  • To study the difference between Monosaccharide and Disaccharide.
  • To study the hydrolysis of carbohydrates.
  • To identity the food samples with the presence of starch, single sugar, double sugar, protein, or lipid.



        The experiment is to study about the organic macromolecular, which are carbohydrate, protein and lipid. Carbohydrate is a macromolecular that contains carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atom, in the ratio approximate one carbon, one oxygen and two hydrogen. The carbohydrate divided into three main types: monosaccharide (single sugar), disaccharide (double sugar joint by glycosidic linkage), and also polysaccharide (multiple sugar joint by glycosidic linkage). The examples for monosaccharide are: glucose, fructose and galactose, the examples for disaccharide are: maltose (glucose + glucose), sucrose (fructose + glucose) and lactose (galactose + glucose), whereas the examples for polysaccharides are: starch, glycogen and cellulose.  

        The protein is a macromolecular that forms by amino acid, which has a carboxyl group, an amino group, an R side chain, and a hydrogen atom link to a carbon atom, knows as alpha carbon. Two amino acid links by a peptide bond became a dipeptide, while, a long chain of amino acid called a polypeptide. The proteins have four level of structure that is primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. The primary structure shows a simple and linear structure of protein, which has a specific sequence that the structure starts from N-terminus to C-terminus. The secondary structure of protein, is high regular, the hydrogen bond form between the carboxyl and hydroxyl group lean to the structure became helix and coil. The tertiary structure refers to the folded and coiled protein structure became a globular that has

3D conformation. The quaternary structure refers to the protein structure that form from two or more tertiary subunit, became a macromolecule.  

        Lipid also known as triacylglycerol, is a macromolecular form by three fatty acid and one glycerol that link by ester linkage, because of its structure is became a heterogeneous group, which soluble in non-polar solvent, and insoluble in polar solvent. There are two types of fatty acid, that is saturated fatty acid, and unsaturated fatty acid. The differences between the saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid are: the saturated fatty acid consist only single bond in the fatty acid structure, and it is pack together tightly result in energy store very compactly, the example of the saturated fatty acid are: butanoic acid, hexanoic acid and etc; while the unsaturated fatty acid consist of single bond, and double bond in the fatty acid structure, result in loose pack in the structure, so the energy store in easier to release, the example of unsaturated fatty acid are: oleic acid, linoleic acid and etc. There are other examples of lipid, which are: steroids, phospholipids and lipoproteins.

Materials and Methods


Part 1:

  • Benedict’s reagent
  • 1% solution of glucose, fructose,

       lactose, sucrose, and starch

  • Iodine reagent        
  • 2N HCL solution
  • Pipettes
  • Test tubes
  • Beaker
  • Boiling tubes


Part 1: Carbohydrate

1.1 Benedict’s test

1. Two test tubes were prepared with label on it respectively.

2. 1 % of glucose solution and 5 ml of Benedict’s solution was added in the first test tube.

3. A negative control was prepared for the second test tube.

4. The test tubes were placed in the water bath for 5 minutes.

5. Test tubes were taken out after 3 minutes; observation had been done on the test tubes.

6. 1 % of fructose, lactose, sucrose, starch and each sample prepared being tested by repeating the  

    1-5 step.

8. All result was recorded in a table.

1.2 Iodine test

1. Two test tubes were prepared with label on it respectively.

2. 3 ml of starch solution was added in the first test tube.

3. A negative control was prepared for the second test tube.

4. 2 drop of iodine reagent was added in test tube respectively.

5. Observation had been done on both test tubes.

6. Each sample prepared was repeated with the 1-5 methods.

7. All result was recorded in a table.

1.3 Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates

1. Eight test tubes were prepared with label Tube 1 to Tube 8 on it respectively.

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2. Two boiling tubes were prepared with label it with starch and sucrose, the boiling

     tubes were placed in a beaker as a holder.

3. 6 ml of starch solution and 3 ml of 2N HCL was added into the starch labeled boiling tube.

4. 5ml of sucrose solution and 1 ml of 2N HCL was added into the sucrose labeled boiling tube.

5. Two boiling tubes swirled gently, to mix the solution.

6. 1 ml of sucrose solution from the boiling tube was added in Tube 1.

7. 1 ml of starch solution from the boiling tube ...

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