
        Cloning has long been a controversial topic for mankind.  When scientist cloned its first sheep, many people were in disbelief. Some people see this as advancement in science, and it definitely is, but is it advancement in the right direction? I believe it is not. Cloning research employing human cells is ethically wrong and should be strictly prohibited.

        Consider this: “…a fertilized egg is a person, entitled to full human rights.  Taking stem cells out of a blastocyst is no different from cutting the heart out of a baby (Postrel p.322).”  It is ethically and morally wrong to clone a human being which will eventually be killed anyway just to prolong the life of someone else.  This allows us play God and it should not be like this.  Death is inevitable for a human being, and as a human being we should know and accept this.

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        Not only should stem cell research be prohibited, but so should the research of trying to clone a human being to live as long as non-cloned human. In an article written by Michael A. Goldman, he states that human cloning is “unnecessary and probably impossible anyway (p.329).” With this in mind ask yourself that same question: “Is human cloning necessary?” Because I believe it is not.  But the public may say it would be a great thing for people who cannot reproduce.  There are alternatives for this, adoption, and in vitro fertilization.  The public also may say it would be ...

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